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happy medical
Enterprise Healthcare

We offer 100 years of healthcare business expertise for your team

Experience a seamless management of your Clinic Vision

From Clinic based Research, to regular email campaigns for New and Existing Patient Marketing, we achieve patient growth targets alongside business improvements with agreed KPI's and Analytics.

See the results, day to day with updated dashboards on your research and business goals.  Our team is tailored to work with the relevant stakeholders in monthly online meetings managed by VO Enterprise Business Services. 

A Healthy clinic business model sees more clients/patients referred to them

An Enterprise Healthcare business sees all these clients become your advocates or partners in success

Visual Outcomes provides experience and expertise in all levels of healthcare enterprise business management.

These enterprise business services are tailored to your needs.

These enterprise projects are set up for a period of time - allowing for reviews online and one on one sessions as needed. Standardly these are 12 - 24 month cycles of ERP ( Enterprise resource planning) and Dynamic business planning (DBP). We consult and advise on the best set up of the platform and then agree to set  goals for all the team. These are to be monitored with pre-set measures . Reporting monthly to review progress. As a rule a formal team meeting online /onsite is held quarterly. 

 Enterprise Business Services of Visual Outcomes assist in building customer- specific:

  • Data Analytics
  • Workflows
  • Quality Client Outcomes Measurements
  • Clinical Templates/ flows for individual styles
  • Marketing and Communication Templates
  • Email campaigns and customer promotions
  • Regular Newsletter 
  • Business analysis reporting
  • Competitor market intelligence 
  • Tailored requests from customers

Visual Outcomes Enterprise business services is a dynamic business partner in your success.

We support your goals and serve your growth and vision; Enterprise Resource Planning inbuilt reporting.  

Let us show you Visual Outcomes and how we can work with your vision. Request a Demo