Active Roster



Read through table below.

You will see some Features are in both Standard and Enterprise  

Difference is the detail of F&F e.g., more complex details are for Enterprise 

Let us know where you are in your clinic vision and plans for growth. 

1Think of what Features and Functions you want

2. Advanced F&F are called "Enterprise" as they will be tailored for your type of clinic   

3. Ask for a demo of what you think you want e.g. differences in a standard F&F and an enterprise F&F


Request a Demo

enterprise health.jpg


Left-hand column gives the Feature by name to consider

Middle column describes what it is called in Visual Outcomes  

Right-hand side column shows - is a “standard” (S) or “enterprise” (E).  

Feature Feature Description Standard Feature = S Enterprise Or Advanced = E
Dashboards and Reports
Standard Dashboards

“Start the day” Dashboards: 
— Clinic trends
New client numbers/ appt schedule trends
Utilization of roster hours open
Referral numbers/ referring clients
— Bookings 
Today’s appts/ forward bookings
— Monies owing 
Which clients today have amounts due

(BI) Dashboard
— Business Intelligence (BI) services 
— Delivery of Data Analytics 
— Grow the business 
— Financial reports for IPO plans

Visual Analytics “Real time” data displays for users 
All data can be sent as automated and secure emails to stakeholders 
1.    Clinic performance KPI reports
2.    Practitioner – type comparative analysis 
3.    Treatment per condition and the outcomes comparative analysis 
4.    Practitioner specific KPI
5.    Clinic specific KPI
6.    Financial Analysis 
7.    All types of tailored outputs (stakeholder interests)

“My work today”

Activity Center
— Quick overview 
— Is ‘logged on user-specific’ 
— Up to date “information boxes” 
— Pops up as user logs on for today.
— See a review of all activities “to do” with links
— See the workload ahead to plan the day
— Return to this activity center window during the day

Activity Centre Security 1

Practitioner- specific “information boxes” — my to-dos’ and quick links

Activity Centre Security 2

Non-practitioner- specific “information boxes” — my to-dos’ and quick links

Activity Centre Security 3

Overview for central administrators

Client Director

Visual Outcomes is all about building healthy relationships. 
Have a broader understanding of each client’s healthcare journey and build a great relationship with this information. Client Director is client specific.

CRM (all staff /personnel)
- client overview 
Profile of bookings made (practitioners and finances)

Client Director - CRM 
-    Pops up when that client’s name is in ‘focus’ across the system 
-    ‘Outcomes at a Glance’ is more notes as to their journey so far with them
-    CRM building tools for all to see

Clinical (practitioners only) 
-    quick profile of client 
-    medical alerts  
-    clinical notables

Client Director – Clinical 
-    Clinical notables for clinicians and the care manager
-    A quick overview that is client-specific 
-    Pops up when that client’s name in ‘focus’ across the system.

Service management

Creating services as appointments to be booked across clinic

Booking Scheduler
-     Appointment Calendar

The Primary tool across front desk and admin work activities 
-    Flexible management of all services/ set-ups 
-    Accurate audits ‘real time’ who did what when
-    Set up all types of practitioners 
-    Patient follow-ups and notifications
-    Appointment reminders 
-    Process icons of workflows
-    Clinic-wide protocols across staff.


Shared Medical Appointments 

Set Appointments with one client and more than one practitioner
-    Set up specifically as to your paradigm 
-    As a team appointment 
Complex service booking

-    Set of different Appointments      Several services as a pre-set flow of appointments for a client booked as one
-    Pre-set appointments 
-    A clinical flow template of services
-    A series of services delivered for a pre-set purpose
-    Flows across practitioner-types in the appt book


-    Book classes
-    Peer review
-    Educational
-    Online and in the clinic
-    Class charges or promotional/ free 

Plans of services

A range of services can be set up as a service plan

Rostering of Services

A separate window for doing a roster and viewing rosters for all
-    Configuring hours for Clinic, Practitioner and Services.

All services rostering

-    Rostering of all hours/ personnel shifts/ services 
-    Roster across one or many clinics separately

Online Rostering
-    Adds level for online service roster

-    What practitioner services are available for online bookings 
-    Shows on ‘virtual clinic’
-    the online booking site for new clients

Virtual Clinic of Visual Outcomes
Practitioners, patients, and partners work online (smart phone feature of VOiSite)

Overview of VOiSite - web access portal and virtual clinic facility 

Online or Virtual Clinic  
A.    Patient portal in Visual Outcomes, VOiSite  operates as a virtual clinic
B.    Clients’ engagement interacting online (clinicians clinic admin exchanges)
C.    Clinicians (practitioner/ providers) recording notes remotely
D.   labs and prescribing and supplements regime management online

Authorized User (external) access for approved purpose for some clients in the clinic/s.
Example: Business partners can be set up /cohorts of new clients (from call centers/employers)    

Virtual Clinic (VOiSite). 
Online Features and Functions

Online clinic has 3 stages of functionality 
1.    Standard F&F ( basic Visual Outcomes online clinic)
2.    Enterprise Stage II ( more F&F for Visual Outcomes online clinic)
3.    Enterprise Stage III ( advanced use of the Visual Outcomes online clinic)

Appointment bookings 

-    Create new bookings online by existing clinics (self-manage/self pay)
-    New to clinic bookings done by practitioner online and remote access
-    New to clinic as public review your website

Self-management  online is time saving for the clinic and what people want


Join classes

-    set up peer support groups (groups sessions) in clinic and book online E
Online payments

-    set up the secure system of STRIPE

New Client bookings - 2 types

Directly from the web
-    New client online bookings

New client to clinic booking- type 1

New to clinic and can directly and immediately in the appointment book  
-    creates booking with practitioner directly in Appointment calendar.


Prospective client booking – type 2

Prospective client can only send request for the appointment with selected practitioner
-    Allows for a interview as to suitability


Client access to own health information

-    questionnaires scores, team care notes, shared care plan, labs and pathology results, current recommendations, treatment plans, feedback ‘rating stars’

Online portal (Stage 1)   
-    introductory patient portal and limited practitioner features

Stage 1 - Clients do intake online and manage appts online
-    standard portal set up ( stage I of Virtual Clinic)
-    online intake forms, messaging to and from the client and the clinic
-    provides online access to complete the intake forms/update their health history, e-sign clinical consent 
-    existing clients can book online all forward appointments
-    existing clients move appointments according to your clinic rules
-    allows practitioners to view their list of appointments online
-    allows the front desk to send and receive messages from the clients online
-     See below for stage 2 and stage 3 of patient portal ( a Virtual Clinic)

Online portal  (Stage 2)   
-    Allows for online bookings 
-    Payments online 

Stage 2 – Clients self-manage payment and new clients book online
-    Allows all ‘New clients to clinic’ to just book into your clinic 
-    Secure bookings via your own website / inbuilt portal
-    Book directly in your actual appointment book
-    Roster of Services (as to when which services are available for online bookings) 
-    Client can self -arrive for their booked appointments from smart phone
-    STRIPE set up – a system of secure payments online
-    Clients self-manage their bookings online and payments for monies owing
-    Clients can give feedback as to their satisfaction with services-    

Online portal (Stage 3)   
-    Allows a virtual clinic
-    Remote clinical note recording 
-    Practitioner use of smart phone
-    Remote care all recorded there
-    Telehealth consults /classes
-    clients online via their portal

Stage 3- Virtual Clinic – full telehealth full online clinical activity
-    Telehealth clinical sessions opened seamlessly from the clinical screen 
-    Can save recordings of appointments 
-    Set up classes of Telehealth 
-    Develop a team care approach with shared care plans online
-    Set up travel card for programs of care with the client interactive
-    Practitioners work via their “Virtual Clinic” remotely
-    Use a smart phone for the virtual clinic roster
-    Save staff time as practitioners self-manage their roster “Virtual Clinic”
-    A smart phone/device can be used - both clients and practitioners 

Clinical Note Recording

Clinical recording via telehealth video, audio/speech and drop down/select templates
Visual Outcomes templates created for you as surfaces and symbols (data entry) for accuracy and quantitative outputs; mined for research and auto prints as narrative. 

Standard Clinical Template Package

Standard health intake form online
-    medical history and wellness profile /general demographics 
A client online -VOiSite (portal) does intake and it goes directly to their clinical history
SOAP format template 
-    enter findings of general examination, treatment notes and plan
5 Client Centric Outcome questionnaire (quality of life measurement tools)
2 condition-specific questionnaires for clients online
3 general consents for client procedures/ treatment for clients online

Enterprise ONLY

-  Audio/speech options

Access to all client images 
-   Immediate access to and photos/Xrays DICOM imports

Image Manager
 -  Face to face consultation with their images at hand
-   Can view client X-rays and other images immediately
-  All stored on the cloud hosted secured files (Visual Outcomes AWS infrastructure)

Enterprise Clinical Package 
(complex -set up across all types of practitioners in one database)

Standard health intake form – medical history and wellness /general client information all online for the client to complete via online portal. 
Generic SOAP format template allowing to record general examination and treatment notes across all practitioner types.
Clinical note templates for EACH practitioner -type (or one practitioner stye specific)
10 Client Centric Outcome questionnaire  (quality of life measurement tools)
8 condition-specific questionnaires for clients online

10 client consents for each practitioner-type ( each specialty/discipline) 


Medical processes 

-    Secure messaging 
-    coding billing options
-    e- prescribing 
-    all lab ordering

(USA and AUS packages available)

Not emergency medicine Hospitals

(full day surgery management but not in-patient hospital management)

- integrated MIMS medication prescribing
Billing HICAPS and Easy Claim
Instant health fund refund and Medicare easy claim via HICAPS terminal
 - integrated Medicare Bulk Bill, Patient Claims, DVA payments
-  full online MC services and quoting online
- integration for Labs ordering (pathology biologics and radiology/images)
- secure messaging FHIR (correspondence and referrals)
-secured email encryption of PHI (correspondence and referrals)
-Health Link for a referral send /receive 

- integrated Rcopia/e-prescribing
- integrated IMO as coding standard for USA customers ( up to date coding source)
- secure messaging (correspondence and referrals)
-secured email encryption of PHI (correspondence and referrals)
Integrated Medical billing claims
USA - electronic billing
- integrated clearing house for billing management outsourcing
-  inbuilt flow for HIC form from practitioner to billing office 
-  inbuilt management of revenue cycle management 
- inbuilt management tools for billing office in-house within Visual Outcomes
- integrated Labs for ordering (pathology biologics and radiology/images)

Business and Operational management  Central management for Standard set up is done by Visual Outcomes     
Operational configuration 

Standard set up and changes  for your clinic are managed by Visual Outcomes
Management service for Standard features and functions 

Management Statistics & Reports 

Standard set up 
50 Statistics & Reports across clinic data /finances
Clinic day to day management
Financial reports 
-    Banking reports 
-    Audit reports
-    Staff work reports 
-    Services trends
-    Stock sold
-    Credit status
-    Accounts owing 
-    Debtor aging status
-    Client profiling
-    Client referrers

Advanced Statistics & Reports 
(Additional 100)

Advanced clinical and business analysis 
-    Tailored to customer healthcare enterprise
-    Clinic / practitioner reports as to goals
-    KPI reports


Banking wizard
-    Set accounts for payment /entitlements
-    Reconciliation of receipts 
-    Reporting on banking and audit trails
-    Financial business management reports 
-    Business Services set up “ baseline/KPI entitlements”
-    Algorithms for each arrangement with practitioners/staff
-    KPI driven window for entitlements calculation
-    Reports as practitioner calculations with entitlement transfer

Accounts management (Complex)

Financial Day Sheets/ Statements 
-    Advanced analysis / management of financial transactions
-    Full financial reports/audits  
-    Complex group sums managed
-    Bundled payments
-    Accounting of all edits

Clearing House integration
-    USA

Checks and audits for review by admin/billing office in-house
-    Visual Outcomes functions for an in-house initial scrub
-    HIC form flow from practitioner coding to admin to payments
-    Use of Financial Day sheets (Practitioner checks/Admin review)
-    Integration with Emedix ( Clearing House functionality)
-    Payments receipted in Visual Outcomes

Payment Bulk Management/ Population Pre-Payments

Lump sum prepaid by organization managed to accommodate payment for multiple clients receiving health services.  Corporate health management

Complex pre-surgical Quotes 

Private and insurer assessments 
-    Pre -treatment payment confirmation 
-    Day surgery programs
-    AUS (Medicare HICAPs and MC online)
-    Payment management
-    Reporting online


Corporate Payment Case Management/ Claim Events

AUS Corporate health management.  Tracking worker compensation and insurance cases E

Data Analytics and advanced reports

Explore the data
-    all queries for clinical ERP to research and value base reporting 
-    get answers across infinite data relationships as all is collected in the one database of Visual Outcomes    

Clinic- based research 
Reports developed with stakeholders as to relationship and data query building of clinic-based evidence

VO Analyzer
-    Retrospective data analysis 
-    Select cohorts for research
-    Apply data output tracking 

Enterprise- level financial analyses 
-    Corporate financials and human resource management
-    Data for accounting purposes 
-    Complex management of write offs/ discounts and debtor and credit balances

VO Analyzer
 Complex financial reporting 
-    Reports developed with stakeholders as to data query 
-    Tailored analyses for daily/weekly monthly /quarterly/fin. year
-    Temporal Dashboards for accounting data outputs 
-    Requested reports set up and delivered automatically 
-    building of clinic-based evidence for value-based reports
Business Partners
-    encourage these referrals sources 
-    they review summary/certificates/ reports online 
-    give their human resource dept a limited access
-    give reports to them as to ‘their clients’ progress 
-    graphs to show financial analyses 
-    develop the relationship with data online
-    bring more referrals to the clinic from them
-    Staff-specific financial KPI reporting 
-    Set as agreed algorithms of performance 
-    Reports with their bank transfers periodically


VO Analyzer Business Services

- enterprise and business reports as agreed with the customer

used for business performance analysis and other complex reporting requirements

Visual Outcomes platform is differentiated by its core architecture

in that it will always be collecting high quality data for high quality decision making
-    Services are decided in consultation with the stakeholders as to your business plan (2- and 5-year planning) and IPO intentions
-    Visual analytics as Dashboard for stakeholders 
-    Delivered as 12-month cycles of business services 

 Enterprise level financial advisor expertise from Visual Outcomes 

   ERP (enterprise resource planning) 
- Tailored enterprise configuration for reporting integrity 
-  Accounts kept to IPO standards for enterprise to go to public.

- ‘Real time’ business intelligence ( tailored visual dashboards)
-    Data driven decision-making for your stakeholders
-    Visual Outcomes team of consultants (MBA healthcare/ accountants)


Practice management 

Flexible bookings calendar is primary tool across front desk and admin work activities set up from appointment reminders to client profiling emails and follow ups    
Booking Scheduler
 Appt Calendar

Audit trail reporting automated  
-    Maintain Clinic-wide protocols across staff.
-    Flexible management of all services/ set ups 
-    Accurate audits ‘real time’ who did what when
-    Set up all types of practitioners 
-    Patients follow ups and notifications
-    Appointment reminders 
-    Process- flow icons 
-    Enforcement of workflows

Attach documents to an appointment E
CRM activity by desk and admin

Appt Reminders and Follow ups
-    Appointment scheduler reminder tab day by day
-    Newsletter template and email campaigns
-    Quick email/sms  via personal message by desk
-    Visual Outcomes Service option for this set up

Enterprise only
-    Pre-arranged emails set ahead  for many purposes
-    Service done via Visual Outcomes (Automailer)


Many types of services in clinic

A highly configurable appointment set up is a fundamental tool for all customers 

Configure services

Services Wizard
-    Create and allocate to practitioner-types
-    Practitioners rostering and price variations

Shared Medical Appointments  Set Appointments with one client and more than one practitioner
-    Set up specifically as to your paradigm 
-    As a team appointment 
Complex services
-    sets of Appointments 

Several services as a pre-set flow of appointments for a client booked as one
-    Pre-set appointments 
-    A clinical flow template of services
-    A series of services delivered for a pre-set purpose
Flows across practitioner-types in the appt book



Book classes
-    peer review
-    educational
-    online and in the clinic
class charges or promotional/ free

Different Fees Fees can be set for different practitioners    

Set Fees for practitioners /pract-types

Pricing Wizard 
-    Prices are standard for all clinics and a practitioner-type
-    Prices assigned as individual practitioners for standard price variations
Enterprise only allows for a matrix of multi-pricing set-ups across multi-clinics and multi types of practitioners as well as individual practitioners


Automated invoice management

Invoice Manager 
An invoice is generated either automatically from an appointment or manually, with new items e.g. change payor, add billable items.

Inbuilt document templates for all

Template Manager 
Select from template categories in Fast Doc Writer
-     inbuilt documents as your clinic templates
 a fully integrated report/document creation system 


Fast editing of templates

Fast Doc Writer
Client info templates
-    pre-populated with client details from the database. 
-    Easy to add inputs/ click on desired data in client window of available data to add to document where you have your mouse.
-    Edit like you do in MS Word for fast construction of reports / referrals as much as a clinical summary or a general letter. 
-    From same screen upload to portal 
-    Send as encrypted attachment
Save as a draft


Externally sourced templates

Visual Outcomes Enterprise Business service (EBS)
A corporate approach to health may have multiple levels of users.
And many essential communications require document exchange. 
As some users are online this set up allows to add a same document online for that purpose and a signing off by a user online or a client payor online  
The document is then finalized and filed within Visual Outcomes client documents 
-    imported documents for complex management 
-    online documents as part of complex clinic models
-    save as a draft/ share online with another user
Tailored to the specific needs as an Enterprise approach to documentation, sharing, data inputs online and filing for client payments

Documents filing for a client

Client  Documents 
-    all documents are filed as Client specific (filing cabinet / document manager)
-    Client Documents are filed within a selected category


Inventory or shop Management

Stock wizards
-    comprehensive Inventory sales stock take and ordering level management 
-    a mode used for Clinics selling stock (supplements, vitamins, herbs and other therapeutic items or Shop-type products).


Herbal prescriptions/ dispensary

Prescribing window
-    full herbal dispensary ( Chinese herbs or Western herbs)
-    maintain order levels/ inventory/ batch no./recalls and quality control – (liquid, granules, powders) 
All set up as you require e.g products as on the shelf stock to ‘mother bottle’ level management/ individual prescriptions as part of clients clinical notes

Lending clinic items to clients

-     allows for lending items with/without a refundable deposit taken


Functional roles for secured access

Security Wizard
-    Central management of all users in functional roles 
-    This is a dedicated set up 
-    Their access to data is managed centrally and can be audited on request
Enterprise set up
-    Security Wizard may be set up for larger enterprise customers of Visual Outcomes.  A senior Admin security role set up to make any changes in application security for all personnel as their responsibility on request


Security access for all users

Security access is set up according to the functional role they have been assigned in Visual Outcomes
Two levels of access
1.    Administrative access

Senior Admin role (CEO rights across all) 
 Practice Manager role (Senior Role in Admin - staff report to them /audits and management decisions for all in the desk/office personnel)
Clinic Director role (Senior for all to report / decisions for all providers/clinicians) 
Front desk role CA care assistants ( 2 levels of access - Senior care assistant and Junior care assistant)

2.    Clinical access
Clinical Roles (practitioner providers) only one with rights to clinical notes and related areas
-    Care Manager (health navigator / educator) has clinic wide access for client care review and management purposes with rights to the clinical notes and related areas

Payment Models   
Fee for Service/Insurance /other

External payer / client in the database/insurance wizard/medicare
Visual Outcomes serves all models of payment
-    Single payor system
-    A fee for service private fee clinic
-    HIC form billing management in the US.
-    Can add another client within database as payor.
-    Other payers entered via ‘External Payer Wizard’
-    Copays management payment models
Enterprise customers
-    Complex models configured as enterprise level of payment models


Complex Payment Configuration

Insurance and Corporate Configuration
Visual Outcomes enables a configuration of all complex payment systems
-    corporate health risk management payments
-    corporate occupational medical assessments
-     workers compensation payments/ insurance payors and employer payors
-    Chronic disease management programs
-    Disability bundled and annual sum payment distribution
-    occupational health and pre-employment services
-    larger employer healthcare services 
healthcare management as a private healthcare business model 


Multi-Disciplinary Team approach

Many different specialties or disciplines in an enterprise clinic set up
all in one database

Multi-type clinics and multi-locations

All healthcare business models
-    More than one physical location 
-    More than one clinic under one database
-    Remote clinical care pathways online
-    Individual client health behavioral tracking 


Virtual clinics (client/clinic/clinician online)

Clinical notes recording online
Medication and supplements prescribing online
Pathology and radiology requests online
Telehealth individual and group sessions


                             Let's get a presentation prepared for you

Please now click on "Request a Demo:  - Complete the attached form in Request a Demo

Tell us what your looking for - name any enterprise features you want to see

Let us know what you would like to understand more about e.g., the difference between standard X and enterprise X   

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