Active Roster



Data Migration

The most important data loaded into Visual Outcomes are your Clients.

Cloud hosted services manage the Visual Outcomes installation, implementation and configuration needs. 

We can transfer practice data from most applications and with the assistance of your Practice Administration, we will work together to make sure data integrity uploading into Visual Outcomes is clean and accurate as possible.


What is transferred?

1. List of your clients with demographic details, e.g. Postal Address, Phone Numbers, Email Addresses - provided these details are specified in the legacy software.

2. Future appointments booked

What is possible to transfer but requires Visual Outcomes technical assessment?

1. Client's total owed to the clinic as an amount "Debit from a legacy software"

2. Client's total prepaid amount to clinic not yet realized as a "Credit from a legacy software"

3. Medical history, clinical notes and laboratory results.

Visual Outcomes doesn't transfer past financial records as this would jeopardize data integrity of Visual Outcomes application.

Data transfer is normally processed on the weekend before the Visual Outcomes go-live date, minimizing the impact on your practice work.  It usually takes several hours to complete. The practice owner will receive a full report on what has been transferred and any issues, if any.